Can be applied to any current turbine operating or new blade design
It is passive and does not require external power to function
The aerodynamic elements are shaped as flat plates or thin airfoils
Takes advantage of low-mid wind speeds (high demand) to capture the radial component of the velocity.
Can be combined with vortex generators (VGs)
Wind tunnel and field tests validation
Proven scalability up to 260ft (78m) rotor diameter
3rd party tests validations including the GE 1.5MW SLE turbine at NREL's NWTC showing up to 4% Annual Energy Production (AEP) increase following the IEC 61400-12-1 industry standard
Exclusive license - US and International issued patents
Fiberglass epoxy laminate (superior durability and strength)
Contoured to match blade surface for maximum adhesion
Large stress safety margins at each location
Coated to match blade topcoat and erosion resistance
Bonded to fiberglass surface of blade using structural adhesive (no tapes) to withstand maximum load forces
Deflectors installed within 1 day for minimum down time


Small wind kit and installation
Distributed wind kit and installation
Utility scale wind kit and installation
Tidal energy kit and installation
Sublicense for OEM companies